Modern Marketing Brand Purpose Social Media

Chevrolet warns drivers not to text while driving in WhatsApp racing game


By Hannah Bowler | Journalist

May 26, 2022 | 3 min read

To warn drivers about the dangers of texting and driving, Chevrolet Brazil has created the WhatsApp racing game Zap Games.

Chevrolet's WhatsApp game Zap Racing

Chevrolet’s WhatsApp game Zap Racing aims to raise awareness of the dangers of texting while driving / Commonwealth//McCann

Working with Commonwealth/McCann on the initiative, the game uses emojis to dodge pedestrians and other cars – with the difficulty level increasing stage by stage until the car crashes and displays the message that texting while driving will inevitably end in danger.

“We wanted to convey this message in an organic and playful way, which facilitates the absorption of the content,” said Federico Wassermann, marketing manager for General Motors South America. “The goal is for people to always lose the game, regardless of their ability, so that we can interactively show the importance of keeping attention while driving and never [being] on the cell phone while driving.”

The game is accessed through WhatsApp chatbot, with users moving the car by sending commands through the chat and then the server’s response moves the obstacles. Chevrolet will rely on Instagram Stories and Twitter to promote Zap Racing.

Commonwealth/McCann was assisted in the digital strategy by Brazilian agency Isobar, and game developers MRM Brazil provided tech support.

The app’s rollout coincides with Yellow May, the international traffic accidents awareness month.

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